Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Four Month Old babe!

I know I say this every month (probs everyday for that matter), but I can't believe how fast time is flying. It's no joke! My baby is already 4 months old. Watching our little creation grow has been the absolute most amazing experience of my life! I swear she learns something new everyday.

I haven't seen many baby blogs, or at least monthly questions for baby blogs, so I decided to make my own. Here are some updates witttle Ashtyn Kade has made.

Monthly Update: 

Sleep Schedule: She sleeps every few hours, they are almost always CAT NAPS! 20-45 minute naps during the day. Then at night she sleeps from around 9:00/10:00pm to 7:00/8:00am then wakes up wanting to nurse, nurses and passes back out til about 11:00am.

Food Schedule: I'd say she eats about 6-8ounces (Earth's Best formula & breast-milk) every 3-4 hours.

Favorite Toy: Her new activity mat! Which is extremely girly.

Favorite Time of the Day: As always, bath time!

Big Milestone Passed: The biggest milestone she has passed this month is hand/eye coordination! She can now reach any object you hold in front of her. She is ALMOST holding a bottle by herself. She is constantly sucking on her toes. She can reach the toys hanging from her bouncy seat and activity mat.

Clothes Size: You're almost out of 0-3 months & we're starting to pull out the 3-6 month clothes.

Best Memory: We have been extremely busy this month with myself going back to work, trying to find baby-sitters, and going on vacation. But I think one of the best memories from this month has to be the day she REALLY found your her voice. She has been coo-ing and making noises for awhile now but one day out of no where she just let out the girliest little yell & didn't stop for about 45 minutes! It was adorable. She hasen't stopped since! Also, the day she found her toes was pretttty adorable also!

Weight: You haven't been to the doctor in about two months, but if I had to guess i'd say you weigh around 13 pounds! You have your four month check up next week so i'll have to update. 

Height: UGH! I have no idea. She is SUPA long though. With her daddy standing at 6'5 & myself at 5'7.5, I'm sure you can imagine!

Any Movement: Thank God, no! I'm not looking forward to the day I can't trust her just to lay on the couch.. although you are learning to scootch a little bit :( so I know that days coming soon.

Any Teeth: She is without a doubt teething, but no teeth have cut yet! Thank God for her Aunt Tam getting her some new teething toys that fit her tiny mouth. All the ones we have from your baby shower are too big for your mouth just yet.. & I just bought a chew necklace (I wear, she chews) for you, I think that should fit you soon too (the beads are still a little big).

Favorite Words: None YET! But I'm really pulling for 'MA MA' first! 

I think those are the only questions I can think of right now that will work every month. I'm exhausted. I'm sitting here at 3:30 in the morning, even though I have work tomorrow :/ ugh. I guess it's just nice to relax and unwind by myself for a few hours everyday after everyone is alseep.... LIFE OF A MOMMY!


Oh & here are some pictures from this month!

 ^ You & your new activity mat ^
 ^ Like I said, they are ALWAYS in your mouth (SILLY baby!) ^
 ^ My HAPPY babe in the bath ^
^ You sleeping on my shoulder as I was getting ready.. soaking up every little second with you as a baby, I know (and have already learned) 'it won't be like this for long.' ^

Friday, August 23, 2013

Pregnancy Must Haves!

#1. Stretch Mark Lotion - I used the cocoa butter lotion, pretty much everyday, sometimes up to five times a say (just whenever I thought of it). And my stretch marks arent bad! I REALLLY believe it helped me. Plus my belly very rarely itched from stretching and im sure keeping it hydrated helped!!

#2. Mints - If you had bad sickness or gestational diabetes (like I did), mints come in handy, A LOT! Not only do they help soothe your upset stomach but they have saved me when I felt like my sugar was getting low and I was border-line passing out.

#3. Pregnancy Pillow - This is one item I really wish I would have bought @ the beginning of my pregnacy! After I started really getting a baby bump, I slept with about four pillows. I had two for my head, one under the baby, and one in between the legs! If I would have thought of it sooner, this would have been A LOT easier!!

#4. A GOOD pair of yoga pants - I LIVED in my yoga pants my entire pregnancy. Most that you can find (PINK for sure) fold under the belly which makes them very comfortable! Plus they stretch with the growing belly!

#5. Maternity Tank - I also LIVED in my maternity tank! They are SO extremely comfortable, and you can put them underneath any shirt thats getting a little short on you!

#6. Filtered Water Bottle - I got mine from Old Navy, and used it the entire time I was pregnant. No matter where you are at, you can use the sink to refill the bottle, and it comes out tasting like bottled water! It helped so much with staying hydrated. (Im horrrrible @ drinking water, or staying hydrated in general).

#7. Pre-natal Vitamins - I tried a few different kinds, one-a-days, chewy, and organic. Im sure they were all good and did the same thing in the end! As long as you make sure they have DHA or buy extra DHA pills to take with the pre-natals. Taking pre-natals EVERY DAY is extremely important to making sure you and your sweet wittttle baby are getting all the nutrients you need! 

#8. At home Ultrasound machine - ha ha! I just thought this was awesome! I never had one, but im sure id be the coolest thing in the world. 

#9. Pregnancy books - I had TONS! It doesnt matter which ones. But as long as you are preparing yourself, books give out A LOT of useful information. 

I hoped this helped :) I was lost when I was pregnant and these are some main items I used. Im on my way upnorth, bored and did this in the car. If I remember anything I forgot to put on the list, ill post next time. 


PS - This is the first weekend Ive been without my daughter since she was born and im already missing her like CRAZZYYYY!! (only left three hours ago). Thanks God for our family. If it wasn't for her Aunt Tam & Nana, theres no way I would've left. I LOVE that I feel completely safe leaving her with any of her Aunts, Uncles, or grandparents!! Living by your family with a baby makes life A LOT easier.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Updated Ashtyn Kade!

Here is a super up to date picture of my Ash! Almost four months! 

Lets try this again..

Clearly I did a HORRIBLE job of updating my blog while I was pregnant. Maybe this time I will actually keep it going.. with recent inspiration from my lovely twin in law (Paige Ashley Kratt) I've decided to make a mommy blog. Not that I'm an expert in any way, I'm only 22 and this is my first baby, but I wanted to make a blog about mother-hood. The items I wish I had when I was pregnant, stuff I wish I had for the first few months, my favorite baby buys, and just experiences. If you disagree or have any ideas for ways to make my blog better, PLEASE comment. I'd love to hear some feedback, as I'm a first time blogger! 

My baby love is almost 4 months now! Her name is Ashtyn Kade! She was born April 29th, 2013. Weighing in at 8 pounds 6.7 ounces. She did not feel like coming on her own, so I was induced the night before. I had gestational diabetes, and if she was any bigger, my doctor was going to c-section her (which I DID NOT) want to happen, so I made the choice to be induced. The foley balloon hurt like helllll! but everything else went pretty smoothly. I was super nervous about getting a shot in my back (epidural) but it wasn't that bad. & I loved that I could (try to) enjoy labor and the exciting time with my family! We had tons of support from our family the day of, there was almost 20 of us anxiously waiting on baby krattt, it was the most amazing experience! I wish I could just re-live that day OVER AND OVER AND OVER again :) 

I think I got pretty lucky with her, she has been sleeping through the night since she was about 5 weeks old. I put her on a schedule & it worked like a charm. Every night we have bath time around 9, after that I put her lotion on (sometimes give her a witttle baby massage) her, pajamas, we do tummy time (slacking lately), and then I feed her. She is asleep every night by 10, unless I take her off the schedule due to not being home around 9, even then she is asleep close to that time. She is teething right now like crazy, constantly chewing on everything, and fussy. I know the worst is yet to come though lol she hasn't cut any teeth yet. 

Lately she has been obsessed with her feet, they are constantly in her mouth. She LOVES Doctor McStuffins, Baby Einstein, and the Tigers! Or anything on tv. She is smiling 24/7 & starting to giggle. She is such a happy baby!!

That's all the updating I have for now! Later I will be posting items I wish I would've had during my pregnancy!


^ Ashtyn's newborn pictures & a more recent picture (at two months old) ^
Pictures by: Jason Loudermilk (Collective Image Photo)