Monday, September 16, 2013

Nursing Must Haves!

Nursing Must Haves!

1. Night Light - A night light is a BIG must have if you're planning on co-sleeping with an exhausted new daddy next to you, that has to work at the crack of dawn. Luckily my co-sleeper had a little night light on that I just pressed, it lite up just enough of the room that I could change a diaper and see where to put the baby and myself for a good latch. Even if you aren't planning on co-sleeping it's a good idea for the nursery, if you aren't trying to fully wake yourself up with turning the lights on all the way. 
2. Nursing Bra - I heard so many bad things about nursing bras before I had baby from all the moms I knew. They said they were uncomfortable & not attractive, but I LOVED mine. I found a few comfortable and some-what affordable nursing bras at Target. If you're like me, you won't be too worried about the way they look anyways, I was way more worried about easy access for my Ash!
3. Mother's Milk Pills - My milk didn't come in very much at all. I exclusively breast fed for the first month but after that, it was a serious struggle. I wasn't producing enough milk to breastfeed and pump for the times I wasn't around (even if it was a quick errand, I had no back up milk to give to the loved ones watching her). No matter how much I pumped to try and tell my body to produce more, it just wouldn't. But these pills were the one time I noticed a HUGE difference. Only downside, I noticed if you stop using them you completely lose like half of your milk supply, so take at your own risk!
4. Milk Storage Bags - These are a must have for very obvious reasons. If you're planning to exclusively breast feed, then you need a place to put milk to store in the freezer. These bags are perfect, and after you heat the milk back up they pour right into the bottle with no spill. 
5. Boppy Pillow - Ahhhh! My lifesaver! When you're exhausted and have a nursing two week old baby on your boob, there is nothing better then the boppy. You can put your baby right on the pillow, lean back and (try to) relax! Then it's also perfect for tummy time or a pillow when your baby naps. 
6. Johnson's Nursing Pads - These are great for when you get a little away time from your nursing babe. Even for just around the house, those milk stains will ruin bras and shirts. Just buy these so you don't have to worry about more of your clothes getting ruined (believe me, enough will be ruined being covered in baby spit up and poop). Oh! And I discovered Johnson's are my favorite brand of nursing pads. 
7. Lanolin Nipple Cream - If your baby (or should I nipples) is anything like mine, your nipples will be raw and bleeding by day three of nursing! Mine were in so much pain, I would sob in pain every time I nursed for the first week or two. It's okay for babys to digest so you can apply before feeding to help with the latch or raw nipples, and afterwards.
8. Tommee Tippee Bottles - I wish I would have known about these bottles from the start. A friend of mine bought them for Ash because she had heard they were the closest nipples to nursing. Ash is in love with her Dr. Brown's bottles, and after three months won't take anything but a bottle besides when she's tired or wants to be comforted. I feel if I had these from the start maybe she would still be used to breastfeeding and wouldn't of noticed a difference. 
9. Nursing Cover - I very rarely nursed in public, and if I did I was in the car. I was just uncomfortable, but I don't think there's anything wrong with nursing in public. & I know there are a ton of super cute nursing covers on 
10. Breast Pump - Any breast feeding mom needs a good pump (exclusively or not exclusively) it's nice to have some back up milk esp if you produce enough! The more mommys milk, the better. 
11. Nursing Tank - (see nursing bra explanation) pretty much the same reasoning!

I absolutely LOVE breast feeding. It's SUCH a bonding experience! I never thought I'd be this comfortable breast feeding. But there is honestly nothing like knowing your daughter is alive and thriving because of you. Although I didn't exclusively breast feed, I tried my hardest! Ash is almost five months old and I still breast feed her at least twice a day. Which I am absolutely proud of! Breast feeding IS NOT easy. I never expected how hard it would be, but I also never expected that I would want to make it work so badly. I am supplementing with Earth's Best Organic, it is a cow based milk formula, highly recommenced for moms that are having breast feeding problems like myself!
I am a HUGE believer in just going with the flow. I didn't stress or freak out when breast feeding didn't go as planned, and I mean this in any aspect of my parenting. My birth plan didn't go as plan, but I just went with the flow - a lot less stressful! My plan was to breastfed for a year & she may be barely hanging by a thread, but a little is better then nothing.
Also, to help with successful breastfeeding, have your baby latch AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Ash was latched within the first 15 minutes of being alive & she ran with it!
XO hope these help!


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